
Year Two Book Five: 
On The Farm by Stevie Cameron
March 12th, 2015 

Amy: 3 out of 5. When we first pondered reading this book, most of us were squeamish about how graphic and disturbing it would be. I honestly found this book very academic. Possibly too academic for general consumption. Being over 700 pages long, it includes a lot of detail that could have easily been edited out. For example, why include details about the architecture of a particular court house and describe the statues out side it? Why outline the prosecutors history like a resume? I found multiple examples where I said out loud "Why even take the time to write this paragraph out?!". Having said that, the first few chapters describing the Pickton Family was fascinating! I think Cameron did a decent job of highlighting and respecting each victim and their families in a dignified way. However, the constant repeating of height, weight, last known location of each women got a little exhausting and the individuals were lost in a sense. After I had read through the names a half dozen times, I started skimming the parts that repeat the lists (unfortunate, I know!!).

I also learned a bit about our Justice System in Canada and was shocked to fit out Robert Pickton was not charged with all the women's deaths!! 

I am not sure that I would recommend this one as a read for a friend or family member though. It is just too academic!! 

Year Two Book Four:
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
January 29th, 2015

Amy: 4 out of 5. I was away for this book, so I had to submit a video. Keep in mind, Matt and I had been at the airport for ages so I think I recorded this a 1:00am...  

Year Two Book Three: 
Let's Pretend This Never Happened 
by Jenny Lawson
December 18th, 2014

Amy: I give this one a 2 out of 5. This wasn't "my cup of tea" though I understand it was quite sensational when it was first released - maybe I missed the boat. I had to visualize this all as though it was a stand up comedy show. Everything is so exaggerated and fanciful, I had to put it into the B.S. box in my brain. I have to admit though, I really liked the idea of making "jammer pants" for random wild animals! Oh and the parts about the Cheerleaders skit from SNL. That made me laugh out loud!